this is a commissioned painting done for a friend's friends. it is 36" x 24", acrylic & collage on canvas. i used remnants (receipts, maps, tickets, etc.) of their trip to thailand and china as well as photos they took to create a layered and textured collage. there are probably 6 or 7 layers of different elements, combined using acrylic mediums and gels, laser toner transfers, paper and paint. the first pics are detail shots of various stages in the process. the last three pics are the main stages of the process. first there is the collage foundation. second is the layering of printed acetate images on top of the foundation. third is the painting and adding of textures.
so i got the call thursday evening that my painting "osaka night" wasn't accepted into the 2007 art maui show. i was a bit bummed, but not devastated. after all, one person's masterpiece is another person's junk. i was asked to come by the maui arts and cultural center today to pick up the rejected piece. upon arriving and giving the stewards my receipt for the painting, i awaited the humbling experience of carrying my rather large piece across the lawn to my car. ten minutes passed and they still hadn't emerged from the depths of the gallery. come to find out the painting had been accepeted and they made a mistake. apparently mine was one of the few that had received all three jurors' green stickers. those few pieces had been put aside and someone thought that they were rejects. so i am assuming there were a handful of artists like myself that got the "sorry your piece was not accepted this year" call. oops!
this is my submission to art maui 2007. it is a painting of osaka, japan at night from my hotel room. the piece is 4' x 5', acrylic on canvas. hopefully it will be accepted into the show. i find out tomorrow.
here are a couple of small paintings i am working on for the hui no'eau art auction coming up. they are 5"x7" (the hui supplied the canvases). it is hard to work so small, but fun nonetheless. both of these shots were from the ferry ride from phuket to phi phi. these paintings are not quite finished. deadline is monday. guess i should get on it!
happy friday. starting next week i will hopefully be posting new stuff every other day or so. that's the idea anyways. until then, here is another piece i did a couple of months ago. a view of ho'okipa beach in the afternoon.